The need to document the art before it is washed away, cleaned up or painted over, derives out of the transient nature of the spray paint on walls. In that way, the photographs of worldwide urban art live forever. The people that ensure that street art is archived are amateur photographers, photojournalists and artists, usually street artists themselves.
Don’t let Street Art fade away, take a photo!
Please see my project, the Milan urban art in Behance
Another wall against walls. 1000 square meters of mural art in Within the CityLife public park in Milan. One of the largest and most significant works of mural art in the world, created by a single hand, that of Eron, one of the most famous and interesting artists on the urban art scene and international contemporary painting. A monumental public work, designed to be a wall against the walls, which will be completed with its own demolition by the artist's decision, after about two years, enhancing the meaning of canceling the barriers that the powerful of the earth continue to build for to separate peoples.
Detail of Mural by Millo, Italian Street artist, called Heart Slingshot in Morosini street in Milan
Mural by Harry Greb near the Ministry of Health in Rome on the theme of Easter in the period of anti-Covid vaccines
A series to be continued...
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